Hello, I'm Dr. Wood
The completion of this work was possible only due to the support of many wonderful individuals and organizations. First and foremost I must thank the members of my committee: Morris Weinberger, Marisa Domino, Jon Oberlander, Kathleen Thomas, Jae Kennedy, and member emeritus Joe Morrissey. I sincerely thank you for the time and effort you gave to developing me as a scholar.
I would also like to thank the members of the Collaborative on Health Reform and Independent Living for their encouragement in my development as a researcher and advocate.
Early days of this dissertation were supported by the Jayne Koskinas Ted Giovanis Foundation for Health and Policy, a private foundation dedicated to effecting change in the healthcare industry for the greater good of the public.
My career during the later years of the PhD was also supported by a grant from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research.
The Child Care Services Association of Orange and Durham County allowed me to continue as a graduate student after becoming a parent by providing a generous childcare scholarship, which I greatly appreciate.
Finally, thank you to my parents, husband, daughter, and friends for growing alongside me and supporting me throughout this process.
Elizabeth Geneva Wood, PhD